In Disney’s dystopian, futuristic world of Wall-E, humanity has gotten so lazy that people are essentially blobs of flesh floating around on self-driving chairs. If that lighthearted prediction turns out to be true, those chairs may have a Nissan logo on them.
Nissan’s ProPILOT chair is an absurd creation no matter how you look at it. Its primary purpose, like most chairs, is to take you off your feet, but unlike any chair you’ve ever sat in, this one has a brain of its own.
One of the more interesting applications for the ProPILOT chair is its ability to form moving queues. “Standing” in line becomes sitting in line, and the chairs automatically know when you’ve stood up and moved, traveling back to the rear of the line for the next person.
Nissan chose to produce these chairs to showcase how its technology can be used in future vehicles. The ability of the chairs to avoid collisions and sense the presence of everything around them would definitely be useful on the open road, we just hope that the ProPILOT chairs don’t also bring about unfortunate evolutionary results.