
Mumford & Sons relentlessly mocked after guitarist praises Andy Ngo, calls him ‘brave’

‘Imagine if being in Mumford and Sons was only the second most embarrassing thing you’ve done.’

Photo of Kahron Spearman

Kahron Spearman


Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall called Andy Ngo “brave” in a tweet praising the right-wing author’s latest book.

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The right-wing activist released a new book called Unmasked, pledging to put readers “inside ANTIFA’s radical plan to destroy democracy.” Marshall posted a photo of Ngo’s book to Twitter on March 6. “Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man,” he tweeted, congratulating Ngo.

People online are now accusing Marshall of being a neo-Nazi and fascist, and very few are surprised by his support for Ngo. “Really didnt have ‘the banjo player from mumford and sons being a fascist’ on my radar but i guess we’re here now,” one said.


“Banjo player from Mumford and Sons being a fascist kinda makes sense tbh,” another added.

Some took the opportunity to mock the band. “Imagine if being in Mumford and Sons was only the second most embarrassing thing you’ve done,” one quipped.


Others pointed to the photo of the band with Jordan Peterson. “Nobody could’ve seen this mumford and sons thing coming,” Dan Hicks, a professor, sarcastically tweeted, including a screenshot of the photo.


In 2018, CBC radio host Tom Power asked Mumford & Sons about the viral photo.

“I primarily was very interested in Dr. Peterson’s work on psychology, read both his books and found it very, very interesting, and met him [through] a mutual acquaintance and invited him down to the studio whilst he was in London on tour, which was very interesting and one of many interesting visits [from various figures] we had in the studio,” Marshall said in the interview.

Power also questioned whether the band was alienating some fans with the photo due to Peterson’s highly problematic comments regarding communities such as the LGBTQ+ community.


“I don’t think that having a photograph with someone means you agree with everything they say,” he said at the time.