Meghan McCain, a co-host of The View, appeared to compare the “potential explosive devices” sent to former President Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and the CNN headquarters in New York to Republicans being confronted in public.
The show was having a discussion about the “suspicious packages” sent to the liberal politicians and the news organization on Wednesday when McCain made the comparison.
When fellow co-host Joy Behar wondered why Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hasn’t taken a harder stance against President Donald Trump‘s rhetoric, McCain stepped in.
“He’s getting harassed and heckled when he goes out in public to have dinner with his wife,” she said.
The right has been criticizing Democrats for confronting Republicans in public for months. Numerous politicians and Trump administration officials—like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), and even McConnell—have faced protesters in recent weeks.
No motives or individuals have been announced in connection to the packages.
McCain’s comments were not taken well online.
No, girl. No.
— Holly Figueroa O’Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) October 24, 2018
Last time I checked, no one took a bomb to heckle Ted Cruz. You’ve lost the plot, @MeghanMcCain.
The View’s Meghan McCain compares bombs targeting Dems to Republicans getting ‘heckled at restaurants’
Really @MeghanMcCain? Nobody heckling republicans at restaurants is threatening death.
— EllenE929(@EllenE929) October 24, 2018
Not a great take.
H/T Raw Story