
Why did Fox let this conspiracy-pushing congressman host a daytime show?

It’s unusual to blur the lines between journalism and politics like this.

Photo of Ellen Ioanes

Ellen Ioanes

matt gaetz fox outnumbered

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) claimed he was co-hosting Fox News’ Outnumbered on Friday, a boast he made in a press release and on Twitter. 

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However, Fox said his claim of “hosting” was inaccurate.

#OneLuckyGuy: I’ll be hosting today’s @OutnumberedFNC alongside @HARRISFAULKNER, @MelissaAFrancis, @LisaMarieBoothe, & @LeslieMarshall at 12pm ET/11am CT. Be sure to tune in to @FoxNews!” Gaetz tweeted Friday.


Gaetz has been on several Fox News shows, but as he said, never on Outnumbered, which features four female hosts and “one lucky guy” as a guest host.


The panel discussed immigration and funding for a border wall.

Some on Twitter expressed concern about the overlap of Gaetz’s political duties and his hosting gig, particularly in the face of a government shutdown over the very wall he promoted on the show. 





Politicians regularly appear on cable news to comment on political happenings. They show up as guests on talk shows and late-night shows, too, but it’s almost unheard of for sitting politicians to host a program. And it’s especially glaring to bring Gaetz on a show in any capacity, as he has been known to use his Twitter feed to peddle inflammatory misinformation


In a statement to the Daily Dot, Fox New’s Alan Komissaroff, VP of News, called Gaetz’s tweet “factually inaccurate” and said he was not hosting but rather appearing as a guest.

But it’s not the first time Fox has raised eyebrows blurring the lines between politics and journalism. Sean Hannity, a Fox News host and vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, campaigned alongside the president before the November 2018 midterm elections, causing concern among his fellow Fox News journalists.

Calls to Gaetz’s offices for comment were not returned by press time.