
Laura Loomer launches shockingly vulgar tirade against Marjorie Taylor Greene

Loomer dubbed Greene a ‘miserable lying b*tch’ alongside a number of other insults.

Photo of Katherine Huggins

Katherine Huggins

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Loomer's feud explained

A major feud between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and right-wing influencer Laura Loomer erupted on X Wednesday night.

The back and forth began after Greene chewed into Loomer for taking an “extremely racist” swipe at Vice President Kamala Harris’ Indian heritage earlier this week.

“If Kamala Harris wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand,” Loomer wrote in response to a post Harris made celebrating her Indian grandparents in honor of National Grandparents Day.

Loomer’s comments were a bridge too far for Greene, who condemned the statements as “appalling and extremely racist.”

“It does not represent who we are as Republicans or MAGA,” Greene continued. “This does not represent President Trump. This type of behavior should not be tolerated ever. Laura Loomer should take this down.”

Greene added in a follow-up post that she and Loomer used to be friends until she did not endorse Loomer during her congressional primary campaign against Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Fla.).

“When I didn’t endorse her, she turned on me and began attacking me and lying about me,” Greene said, later adding that “when it comes to post that are flat out racist, hateful, and make President Trump look bad, she needs to be responsible and delete them.”

Greene’s criticism prompted a flurry of rage posts from Loomer, who decried the firebrand representative as “2 faced,” a “raging anti semite,” and a “miserable lying bitch.”

She also replied to Greene’s timeline of their defunct friendship, saying that she turned on her “when you decided to do the bidding of Kevin McCarthy.”

“You used to text me telling me ‘please dig up information about who McCarthy is sleeping with,’” Loomer claimed. “You used to ask me to assist you all the time with ‘research’ and then you sold out the people who supported you and you started doing his bidding even though McCarthy is anti Trump.”

Loomer’s responses to Greene’s criticism escalated quickly, with her first response accusing Greene of being “extremely jealous and vindictive over the fact that she wasn’t successful in turning Donald Trump against” her.

“Hey MTG, speaking of racism, one of your former staffers told me you have a favorite word that starts with N,” Loomer added. “What if the staffer has a video? It’s rather ironic that MTG wants to call me a racist when MTG is a full blown ANTI SEMITE who believes that Jewish people use Space lasers to control the world.”

“Along with being an anti semite, MTG is also a poor excuse for a Christian,” she continued. “Her marriage failed because she couldn’t keep her legs closed while she was a new member of Congress and was too busy Screwing some guy from her CrossFit. She is not representative of the GOP or what it means to be America first. Nobody talks about her anymore because she’s annoying and irrelevant and a sellout.”

Loomer added that Greene should not talk about representing Trump “when you paid for the Ye 2024 domain and used your campaign funds to orchestrate the dinner between Nick Fuentes and Kanye West.”

“I exposed you months ago and I’ll do again you trailer trash harpy,” Loomer concluded.

But Loomer’s initial, long-winded clapback was far from the end of the spat.

In a second post, Loomer doubled down on her accusation that Greene is a “raging anti semite” and added that she “won’t be apologizing for having a sense of humor.”

“I also believe in free speech, [Greene], which you clearly don’t support,” Loomer said. “I get it. You’re jealous of me because despite your planted hit pieces about me in the [New York Times], I won.”

Loomer’s retaliatory rant was still not over. Her next post spotlit a Daily Mail report from 2021 that Greene “openly cheated” on her now ex-husband with a polyamorous sex guru and a gym manager.

“Remember when you destroyed your family so you could have sex with a Zangief cosplayer?” Loomer swiped. “Tell me again how you and the Arby’s in your pants are representatives of the GOP? You couldn’t even run your own family. Don’t tell me how to run my FREE SPEECH!”

In her next post, Loomer went as far as to offer to help a Democratic candidate defeat Greene.

“I hope anyone is successful in removing MTG from office. Republican or Democrat,” she said. “DM me for free oppo on MTG. I’ll give it to any of her opponents for free.”

Loomer then boosted one commenter’s reply that accused Greene of using the MAGA movement for her “own personal advancement.”

“Very true. She has lied about everything,” Loomer concurred. “J6 prisoners are suffering in jail because of MTG’s lies.”

“She raised money off of her empty promise to free J6ers,” she continued, while linking to an article about Greene changing her position to oppose the public release of tapes documenting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

“She got rich in Congress trading stocks and let the J6ers rot,” Loomer concluded. “You can’t trust her. Now she’s attacking me and Donald Trump.”

In one of her last posts rebuking Greene, Loomer took aim at the Georgia Republican for being “2 faced,” saying that Greene has no convictions and “like a hooker she sells herself to the highest bidder.”

By Thursday morning, the feud still had not been put to rest.

“It’s time for people to come to terms with the fact that this woman is not who she pretends to be,” Loomer said. “MTG is the most miserable lying bitch in Congress and we need to inform more MAGA patriots of how treacherous this woman is.”

Greene, for her part, addressed the situation once more Thursday morning as well.

“I’m always so proud of the kind, loving, and welcoming spirit of MAGA and the Republican Party,” she said. “We have the winning policies that represent every American and put our country first. This is why Laura Loomer’s nasty, racist, and divisive rhetoric should not be tolerated. We are not the left.”

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