
Conservative writer tweets about bombing a university after women are hired

John Podhoretz has, in turn, ‘neutron bombed’ his own Twitter account.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

john podhoretz

Reasonable people can disagree about reasonable things, but there’s a pretty broad consensus about not committing acts of violence at places of learning, or perhaps ever. Unless you are conservative commentator John Podhoretz, who was furious yesterday that New York University had the gall to hire people to teach students.

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NYU recently hired two women journalists, Lauren Duca and Talia Levin, to teach courses at its journalism school. Both have had some online fame and infamy. Duca, for a viral piece of content about President Donald Trump “gaslighting” America several years ago, and Levin, over mistakenly identifying a tattoo of an ICE officer as a white supremacy symbol.

That was too much for Podhoretz, who declared we should “neutron bomb” journalism schools.


Bombing a school is never a good idea, nor is joking about. In fact, the tweet went over so poorly that Podhoretz deactivated his Twitter account.




In an apology posted on Commentary, Podhoretz said, “I do not wish to see any fellow journalists come to harm,” calling the tweet “satirical.”

However, this is the second time in 2019 that Podhoretz has “neutron bombed” his own Twitter account. After joking the Roger Stone would like prison—a clear rape joke—Podhoretz said he would stay off Twitter for 30 days.

Maybe he should consider leaving it for good.

