
John McCain gets blamed for GOP midterm loss in absurd op-ed

Attacking the late veteran on Veterans Day made internet users very angry.

Photo of David Gilmour

David Gilmour

John McCain surgery

Pro-Trump Republican Jason Lewis, a former talk radio show host who lost his Minnesota House seat in the 2018 midterms, blamed the late Sen. John McCain for party defeats in a Sunday op-ed—only to be roasted himself for attacking the highly decorated Navy officer on Veteran’s Day.

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Writing for the Wall Street Journal, Lewis said that the Democratic House takeover was the fault of McCain, for voting against repealing the Affordable Care Act.

McCain, one of three Republicans who had voted against the repeal effort in July 2017, took his stand on the basis that the action would remove coverage protections for citizens with pre-existing conditions. Lewis argued in his article that by doing this McCain took such leverage away from the Republicans that the GOP lost seats.

Lewis, who once accused Black Americans of an “entitlement mentality” and lamented that “slut” was now an unacceptable way to refer to a woman, lost his 2nd Congressional District seat to Democrat Angie Craig last week.


McCain’s daughter Meghan voiced her anger at the Republican on Monday.


For Twitter users on both sides of the political aisle, however, eviscerating a dead Vietnam veteran on Veterans Day was both classless and contemptible.


McCain, who did not serve in the House, also passed away nearly three months before the 2018 midterms.
