
James Comey puts ‘Fox & Friends’ on blast

Comey says the hosts essentially gave him a ‘down low, too slow.’

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

james comey

The Federal Bureau of Investigations released on Monday its long-awaited inspector general report, reviewing the agency’s behavior in investigating President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election.

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The report found that the FBI acted without political bias in its decision to look into Trump and Russia, but did take issue with some of the tactics, such as its use of FISA to surveil a former Trump campaign official.

The day could have been considered a sort of vindication for former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by Trump (ostensibly for his investigation into Hillary Clinton, but really for this). Instead, he wound up getting negged by Trump’s favorite TV hosts, the guys and gals at Fox & Friends.

In a tweet last night, Comey said he decided to go on the show to discuss the report, hoping to defend himself in front of a hostile panelist, in a segment sure to get the president’s attention. Instead, they canceled on him at the last minute.


“FYI: I offered to go on Fox & Friends to answer all questions,” Comey tweeted. “I can’t change their viewers on Donald Trump but hoped to give them some actual facts about the FBI. They booked me for tomorrow at 8 am. They just cancelled. Must have read the report.”


Comey’s PR firm defended his claim too, after some in conservative media decided to accuse him of lying about Fox & Friends canceling.


Either way, Comey can take solace in the fact that Trump seems poised to fire another FBI director, who can then also get dumped on by Fox & Friends.


