
Jacob Wohl’s Elizabeth Warren sex scandal claim debunked with Instagram photo

Wohl made the 24-year-old former Marine take off his shirt during the botched press conference. There was also talk of a lime green dildo.

Photo of Tiffanie Drayton

Tiffanie Drayton

Far-right conspiracy theorist Jacob Wohl held a press conference along with wingman Jack Burkman in which Wohl claimed bombshell information about a sex scandal involving Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) would be released. It drew out a very small, unenthusiastic crowd of journalists.

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According to Daily Beast reporter, Will Sommer, during Wohl’s conference–which was mostly drowned out by hecklers and a nearby car stereo system–Wohl made the claim that Warren’s alleged accuser, a 24-year-old former Marine named Kelvin Whelly, had a scar on his back from their tryst and even instructed him to take off his shirt so onlookers could see it. There was also talk about a lime green dildo purchased on Amazon.


A journalist debunked the story within moments on Twitter, pointing out Whelly’s Instagram in which he claimed he got the scar in an accident completely unassociated with Warren.

“The patsy in Jacob Wohl’s latest sex smear says he got a scar from a sexcapade with Elizabeth Warren,” NBC News’ Brandy Zadronzny, wrote. “His Insta shows something else.”

“Hit my back with with [SIC] a chain trying to take down a swing #lashes #bigback #xxx,” Whelly wrote on May 28, 2016, along with a photo of the “sex scar” when it was merely a fresh wound.


When confronted with the Instagram post during the conference, Whelly reportedly shrugged his shoulders.


Onlookers and those following the story from home quickly flocked to Twitter to mock Wohl and congratulate the hecklers responsible for making his press conference nearly impossible to hear.

“This #JAcobWohl shit is packed,” Twitter user @manda_writes wrote, along with a photo of the turnout for Wohl’s conference. No more than 15 people were seen in the picture.


Apparently, the lime green dildo discussed in the conference was also found.

“Jacob Wohl’s fake Warren sex scandal guy has a Vin Diesel XXX tattoo,” Twitter user @UweBollocks laughingly pointed out.


“Whoever is blaring Patsy Cline’s rendition of ‘Crazy’ to drown out #JacobWohl‘s rendition of crazy as he introduces this ‘marine,’”writer Holly Figueroa O’Reilly tweeted. 


Comedian Kathy Griffin admitted to being far too excited about the conference and also shared an interesting theory about Whelly.

“I admit, I am way more excited about the Jack Burkman/#JacobWohl PRESSER than I should be,” she wrote. “Do they offer civilian ride alongs for these things? I’m pretty sure Senator Warren’s illicit, young marine lover is ALSO the whistleblower. It’s just a timesaver.”


It’s also worth noting the entire conference took place in front of an “Elizabeth Warren Cougar?” sign. And though Warren did not directly address Wohl’s conference or accusations, she did confess to being a proud cougar.


“It’s always a good day to be reminded that I got where I am because a great education was available for $50 a semester at the University of Houston (go Cougars!),” Warren tweeted. “We need to cancel student debt and make college free for everyone who wants it.”


