
This phone case is made out of grass

The definition of green tech.

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Design Works has been testing a mobile phone that’s composed of entirely recycled and natural products, with one major ingredient being blades of grass. You heard that right, this phone is made from that same green stuff that covers your front lawn (unless you live in a big city where your front “yard” is whatever late night burrito wrapper somebody left on your stoop).

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The grass is cast in a mold with recycled resin then baked for 24 hours to create a smooth and eco-friendly casing for your smartphone.

BBC News/YouTube

Sean Miles, the designer responsible for this innovative gadget, was commissioned to make the phone by O2 Recycle, a division of the telecommunication company that promotes recycling. According to Miles, his grass phone is the first phone made from 100 percent natural and recycled material.


BBC News/ YouTube

While the product isn’t available for purchase at your local Best Buy, Design Works is looking into the possibility of mass-producing the phone for home use.

Photo via wwarby/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
