Every day, the Daily Dot finds something that people on Facebook are sharing and, in turn, shares it with you—with a little explanation. Here’s today’s share.
The day after the Internet lit up with parody of Mitt Romney’s reference to “binders full of women,” the Republican party officially got in on the joke.
The GOP released an image of an empty binder to its Facebook page, titled “Obama’s Second-Term Agenda,” Wednesday afternoon. Within two hours, it had gained nearly 20,000 likes and more than 1,000 comments—most of them critical of the president.
“Just like his brain! Empty!!” commented Eileen Beck.
Other Romney supporters interpreted the image as an invitation to fill in the blanks. “1. raise taxes 2. raise taxes 3. raise taxes (ad infinitum),” wrote Anne Powell.
The photo is reminiscent of a viral hit Democrats scored right before Tuesday’s debate, when they registered www.romneytaxplan.com. Users who visited were invited to click a button to see Romney’s tax plan, but if you tried to click it, that button scurried away from your cursor.
The GOP didn’t respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment, but the the image doesn’t appear to be part of a larger campaign. The GOP Twitter account hasn’t mentioned it, and it’s not linked to on the Party’s official homepage. Nevertheless, the image is hosted on GOP.com.
Twitter users who discovered the empty binder photo aren’t quite as taken with it as Republicans on Facebook.
“LOL check out @GOP lame response to #bindersfullofwomen,” tweeted supermouse35. “Way to keep the meme rolling guys.”
“Ohmagawd, this smacks of ‘OH YEAH, WELL *YOU’RE* A BINDER. Too,’” posted marxdudek.
Photo via Republican National Committee/Facebook