
201 questions Siri has hilarious answers for

The most comprehensive collection of Siri questions and funny prompts.

Photo of Mike Wehner

Mike Wehner

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

funny questions to ask siri

As Siri gets packed into everything from the iPad to the Apple Watch, she becomes smarter every year. With each new update Siri learns new tricks, and with more than four years of upgrades there’s a ton of hilarious, hidden responses that you can coax from her.

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You just need to know what to ask.

Here’s the most comprehensive list of questions and statements that prompt special Siri responses. Tap your iPhone home button and start the conversation.

  1. Are you Her?
  2. Are you human?
  3. Are you intelligent?
  4. Are you kidding me?
  5. Are you male or female?
  6. Are you married?
  7. Are you serious?
  8. Are you stupid?
  9. Are you the Dick Tracy watch?
  10. Beam me up, Scotty!
  11. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
  12. Can I have some money?
  13. Can you beatbox?
  14. Can you be my designated driver?
  15. Can you dance?
  16. Can you drive?
  17. Can you lend me some money?
  18. Can you rap?
  19. Can you sing?
  20. Can you time travel?
  21. Did you go to school?
  22. Do blondes have more fun?
  23. Do I look good in this dress?
  24. Do these jeans make me look fat?
  25. Do you agree with me?
  26. Do you follow the three laws of robotics?
  27. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  28. Do you have any children?
  29. Do you have any pets?
  30. Do you know HAL 9000?
  31. Do you like chocolate?
  32. Do you love me?
  33. Do you sleep?
  34. Do you think I’m attractive?
  35. Do you want to go on a date?
  36. Do you want to make out?
  37. Do you want to play a game?
  38. Do you work out?
  39. Draw me something
  40. Eight ball
  41. Find me some hookers
  42. Flip a coin
  43. Get a job
  44. Get a life
  45. Give me a pickup line
  46. Good afternoon (say in the morning)
  47. Good morning (say in the evening)
  48. Good night (say in the morning)
  49. Guess what?
  50. Ha ha ha
  51. Happy Birthday
  52. Happy Hanukkah
  53. Have you ever been in love?
  54. How are you?
  55. How are you feeling?
  56. How do I look?
  57. How do you spell “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”?
  58. How many Apple Store geniuses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
  59. How much do you cost?
  60. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  61. How old am I?
  62. How old are you?
  63. How’s it going?
  64. I am tired
  65. I am your father
  66. I can’t sleep
  67. I hate you
  68. I have a gambling addiction
  69. I have to go to the bathroom
  70. I like you
  71. I love you
  72. I’m naked
  73. I’m sleepy
  74. I’m drunk
  75. I’m happy
  76. I’m selling you on eBay!
  77. Is it going to rain?
  78. Is Jon Snow dead?
  79. Is Santa Claus real?
  80. Is there a god?
  81. Knock knock
  82. Make me a sandwich
  83. May the force be with you
  84. Merry Christmas
  85. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
  86. No thanks
  87. OK, Glass
  88. Open the pod bay door
  89. Pick a card
  90. Play a good song
  91. Read me a haiku
  92. Read me a poem
  93. Repeat after me
  94. Rock, paper, scissors
  95. Roll a die
  96. Screw you
  97. Should I take the blue pill or the red pill?
  98. Shut up
  99. Sing a song
  100. Stop it, Siri
  101. Take a picture
  102. Take me to your leader
  103. Talk dirty to me
  104. Talk to me
  105. Tell me a bedtime story
  106. Tell me a bit about yourself
  107. Tell me a joke
  108. Tell me a story
  109. Tell me something good
  110. Tell me a tongue twister
  111. Testing, testing
  112. Up up down down left right left right B A start
  113. What are you doing now?
  114. What are you doing later?
  115. What are you doing tomorrow?
  116. What are you wearing?
  117. What are you?
  118. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  119. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
  120. What do you look like?
  121. What do you think about Google Now?
  122. What do you think of Android?
  123. What do you think of Cortana?
  124. What do you think of Steve Jobs?
  125. What does Siri mean?
  126. What does the fox say?
  127. What is 0 divided by 0?
  128. What is 0 percent tip on 0 dollars?
  129. What is 1 divided by 0?
  130. What is 2001: A Space Odyssey about?
  131. What is Inception about?
  132. What is my name?
  133. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  134. What is the best computer?
  135. What is the best operating system?
  136. What is the best smartphone?
  137. What is the meaning of life?
  138. What is the movie Memento about?
  139. What is wrong with you?
  140. What is your favorite color?
  141. What is your favorite drink?
  142. What is your favorite movie?
  143. What is your favorite song?
  144. What is your mom’s name?
  145. What is zero divided by zero?
  146. What should I wear for Halloween?
  147. What’s better, Windows or Mac?
  148. What’s the best computer?
  149. What’s your favorite animal?
  150. What’s new?
  151. What’s so funny?
  152. What’s the secret of the universe?
  153. What’s up?
  154. What’s your story?
  155. What’s your problem?
  156. When is the world going to end?
  157. When is your birthday?
  158. When will the world end?
  159. When will pigs fly?
  160. Where are you from?
  161. Where are you?
  162. Where did I put my keys?
  163. Where do babies come from?
  164. Where does Santa live?
  165. Where do you live?
  166. Where is Elvis Presley?
  167. Which is the best tablet?
  168. Who is ELIZA?
  169. Who is Liam?
  170. Who is Siri?
  171. Who is your daddy?
  172. Who is your best friend?
  173. Who is your favorite person?
  174. Who is your least favorite person?
  175. Who let the dogs out?
  176. Who made you?
  177. Who makes the best computer?
  178. Who you gonna call?
  179. Who’s your daddy?
  180. Who’s on first?
  181. Why am I here?
  182. Why are firetrucks red?
  183. Why are you so awesome?
  184. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  185. Why do you vibrate?
  186. Why don’t I have friends?
  187. Why not?
  188. Why?
  189. Will you marry me?
  190. Winter is coming
  191. You are an idiot
  192. You are beautiful
  193. You are boring
  194. You are hot
  195. You look sexy
  196. You should go on a diet
  197. You’re a loser
  198. You’re funny
  199. You’re not the boss of me
  200. You’re smart
  201. You’re worthless


Oh, and if you feel like experiencing a future where Siri is your actual mom, go ahead and give this a look…


Editor’s note: This story is regularly updated for relevance.