
Experts rank Trump as worst president in history

Is he really worse than Buchanon?

Photo of Kris Seavers

Kris Seavers

Trump was ranked as the worst president ever by a panel of 170 politics experts.

A panel of 170 politics experts has decided that President Donald Trump is the worst president in history after he has served just one year in office, the New York Times reported Monday.

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The panel moved former President Barack Obama up to 8th place from his previous 18th place from a 2014 ranking. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Franklin Roosevelt still hold their spots as the top three presidents. Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson’s rankings both slid for evolving criticisms of their treatment of women and Native Americans, respectively.

Some people on Twitter had qualms about the ranking, which places Trump dead last even after James Buchanon, whose presidency oversaw the U.S. launch into the Civil War.



Others were less surprised by the ranking. Trump’s first year in office included a revolving door of White House staffers, an investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 election, and wayward tweets blasted daily from the president himself—to say nothing of the policies or the culture of polarization under the Trump presidency.



In December, a Gallup poll named Obama as America’s Most Admired Man. Trump became the first elected U.S. president to not win the poll during his first year in office.

H/T Axios

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