
Now you can have an iPhone and an Android in one device

ESTI’s Eye case gives iPhone users a 5-inch, HD AMOLED Android phone… on their iPhone.

Photo of Christina Bonnington

Christina Bonnington

Woman holding ESTI Eye iPhone case

If you’ve ever looked down wistfully at your iPhone and thought to yourself, “Gosh, I wish I had an Android phone, too,” you’re in luck. A new iPhone case raising funds on Kickstarter does exactly that.

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ESTI’s Eye iPhone case adds a second five-inch HD screen to the back of your iPhone. However, it’s not just a screen—it’s a full Android Nougat smartphone experience. The case includes 256 GB of storage, two SIM slots, and its own headphone jack. Its 2800 mAh battery even charges wirelessly. You can check out a prototype in action in the video below.

This second screen offers some other interesting benefits. When you’re taking a selfie with the rear-facing camera, the case will reportedly mirror what your camera sees, so you can properly focus the shot. It also gives you the ability to do a handful of things you’re not able to on an iPhone. This includes native call recording, the ability to drag-and-drop files between your computer and your phone, NFC, and access to Android-only apps.


Right now, Kickstarter backers can pre-order the case for $95, but it will eventually retail for $189. The Kickstarter project already surpassed its original funding goal of $95,000 so it should be produced, however, there is always the chance with a crowdfunding project that things may go awry: Shipment could be delayed, or the product could never ship at all.

If that’s a chance worth taking to you, you can go ahead and make a pledge. There are several varieties of the case available, including one with 4G connectivity, and sizes for the iPhone 6/6s/7 or iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus/7 Plus. Backers can also choose to wait and buy a model that will fit the next iPhone. In this case, the case should ship “a month after its launch,” according to Kickstarter.


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