Last night, Elon Musk tweeted asking people for suggestions on how to improve Tesla. “Please lmk what you’d most like improved/fixed about your Tesla. Thanks!” he wrote. Twitter responded with some helpful suggestions, but most people just had jokes.
Please lmk what you’d most like improved/fixed about your Tesla. Thanks!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 9, 2018
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson chimed in with a very Neil deGrasse Tyson comment, saying, “obstacle warning sounds that come from the speaker closest to the section of the car that is a risk of hitting something.”
Obstacle warning sounds that come from the speaker closest to the section of the car that is a risk of hitting something.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 9, 2018
Other people had simple wants. “I’d like to get my solar roof,” one person wrote.
I’d like to get my solar roof.
— Bill Trinen (@trintran) November 9, 2018
Some were concerned with safety. “All cameras record in the event of an alarm incident. Publicize this feature so that prospective vandals/thieves know they will be recorded if they mess with Teslas,” someone said.
All cameras record in the event of an alarm incident. Publicize this feature so that prospective vandals/thieves know they will be recorded if they mess with Teslas
— Seth Weintraub (@llsethj) November 9, 2018
“Add some sort of horse harnesses to the front to use the power of horses so folks can use the car at nite when there’s no solar power. Thanks,” someone may or may not have joked.
add some sort of horse harnes to the front to use the power of horses so folks can use the car at nite when theirs no soler power thanks
— Ned (@Nedsfeed) November 9, 2018
Some people reported lacking a Tesla, and they wanted to know how they could acquire one. “Hey Elon, so far my biggest problem is that my Tesla is currently non-existent. If you could help fix that, that would be sweet. Thanks!” one person said.
Hey Elon, so far my biggest problem is that my Tesla is currently non-existent. If you could help fix that, that would be sweet. Thanks!
— A Dude (@no1somewhere) November 9, 2018
Another person simply wants to put gas in their Tesla. “I can’t figure out how to put the gas in it. So far I tried drenching it in gas and that just got the police called on me. I even tried asking it nicely and it just yelled at me,” someone wrote. “I’ve taken the tires off thinking maybe the gas cap is hidden back there but still nothing. Help plz.”
I can’t figure out how to put the gas in it. So far I tried drenching it in gas and that just got the police called on me. I even tried asking it nicely and it just yelled at me. I’ve taken the tires off thinking maybe the gas cap is hidden back there but still nothing. Help plz.
— Noah(@Shierfruitsalad) November 9, 2018
Maybe Musk will take these suggestions and Tesla cars will become even more coveted than they already are—if that’s possible.