
Devin Nunes is suing Twitter over parody accounts of his mom, cow

He claims an account for his cow damaged his image by calling him an ‘udder-ly worthless’ criminal.

Photo of Alyse Stanley

Alyse Stanley

Devin Nunes Troll

Conservatives have been spreading conspiracies theories about Twitter censoring them for a few years now, but on Monday Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) took the issue to court with a lawsuit seeking $600,000 in damages, Fox News reports. All Twitter users took away from the lengthy complaint, though, is how Nunes sees parody accounts for his mother and cow as serious threats to his image.

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According to Fox News, Nunes’ complaint filed in Virginia state court Monday outlines a conspiracy orchestrated by Twitter to knowingly hinder his duties as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee by “facilitating defamation on its platform.”

In addition to the millions in damages, Nunes also sought an injunction for Twitter to reveal the identities of the accounts that mocked him. Most notably, Nunes named parody accounts @DevinNunesMom and @DevinCow for viciously spreading misinformation.

“In her endless barrage of tweets, Devin Nunes’ Mom maliciously attacked every aspect of Nunes’ character, honesty, integrity, ethics and fitness to perform his duties as a United States Congressman,” reads the court ruling according to Fox News.


Parody accounts are allowed on Twitter so long as their profiles state their purpose. While @DevinNunesMom’s account has been suspended, judging by the kind of content cited in Nunes’ lawsuit, including a posted image of a Putin-Trump-Nunes human centipede, it’s a safe bet not many people believed it to be Nunes’ real-life mother.

Per the complaint, the account @DevinCow has no such disclaimer and caused Nunes “extreme pain and suffering” by calling him a “treasonous cowpoke” and an “udder-ly worthless” criminal.

That Twitter allowed such defamatory accounts like these to persist clearly illustrates anti-conservative bias, his suit claims. Twitter users, however, thought the only thing it illustrates is that Nunes has no idea what a troll is.




H/T Raw Story