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Pop quiz, mankind.
(Or should we say, pope quiz….)
The Pope is sick and may be on his deathbed. Do you take a moment to:
- A) Reflect on the mortality of all men, even those chosen to serve the Lord?
- B) Pray that his holiness embarks on a miraculous recovery and continues to steer the Church?
- C) Pull out your phone and cackle that he’s about to burn in hell?
If you picked A or B, congrats, you are most likely not an American arch-conservative Catholic who—despite the Pope being a lifelong servant of God—are ready for that man to descend to the depths of hell and who has no qualms posting those desires on the internet.
After all, it was Jesus, who said after he had been resurrected from the dead, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.”
Preach, they all did, in a mega-thread on the QAnon message board Great Awakening, under a news story revealing the pope had pneumonia in both his lungs and the end might be near.
“I hope that whatever it is,” wrote the post’s top comment, “it’s painful enough to cause his repentance,” wishing literal harm on the Pope and calling on him to atone for the crime of … being God’s top servant in the mortal realm.
Right-wingers mock Pope Francis
While one might think American Catholics would appreciate or respect (or at least not besmirch) the Pope, they’ve long despised him for being only nominally more progressive than, like, Mitch McConnell.
“Run to the light, Frankie!” one poster said.
Others explicitly said that the Pope should be prepared for a journey to the depths of hell.
“Absolutely no loss. It will be very hot where he goes after this,” one person wrote.
Others did give thanks… to the bacteria trying to take his life.
“First time I have ever been thankful for a lung infection!”
But the Catholic Church’s (again, very tepid) turn toward progressive policies is something a number of conservatives have never been able to accept, and as the Pope nears possible death, they aren’t letting him forget it.
“The pervert pope we have now,” said one cheering his demise, “condones abortion and LGBT, an obvious affront to God’s word. The Devil worshipers [the pope] have been defeated. I feel they are being removed in dramatic fashion [again, talking about the Pope dying], so we can see and prevent their incremental return in the future.
And despite the frequent exhortations to pray for all people in the Bible, it’s obvious God didn’t mean the head of his church. How could you offer kindness and succor to someone who, just recently, called President Donald Trump’s mass deportation efforts a “disgrace?”
Of course it comes back to Trump
In his comments, he said he hoped Trump would help America live up to its ideal as the “land of opportunity and welcome for all.”
Some even thought it was poetic justice for his comments, the Lord attempting to smite … the Pope… for blasphemy… against Trump.
“He’s a hypocritical dickhead,” wrote one, who at least, then, begrudgingly offered a prayer.
But others couldn’t accept the call to pray, not when he’s so publicly castigated the MAGA movement’s attitude toward their fellow neighbor.
When Vice President JD Vance, who recently told everyone they got Jesus’ most famous quote wrong and when called out, started debating about IQ, posted rather tepidly about the news, he was met with a rebuke.
“Let’s all say a prayer for Pope Francis, who appears to have some serious health issues,” he wrote.
“Honestly have a hard time praying for him. I am going to pass,” replied one.
But lest you think all of the conservative movement is heartless, pinned above the post about the Pope on the Q board is a prayer request from a regular commentator asking for prayers for his recently deceased father.
“Can you please keep [him] in your prayers? He was not a deeply religious man but he was kind.”
On that thread, thoughts flooded in.
“A peaceful passing is such a blessing. God bless him and you,” wrote one.
But the Pope? The sentiment was much different.
“I’m OK with it being very painful.”
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