
Dave Rubin freaks out over hoax that he didn’t eat this steak

He’s extremely not mad.

Photo of Claire Goforth

Claire Goforth

dave rubin steak tweet

Call it a deep steak fake.

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Yesterday, Dave Rubin celebrated getting unequivocally owned by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) by tucking into a big hunk of meat.

Spotting the tweet, @L0G1c9UY did a quick photoshop to make it look like Rubin used Google images to fake eating a steak.

In Body Image

L0G1c9UY told the Daily Dot via private message that he didn’t expect the tweet to go viral. Yet within nine minutes, it had 150 likes and was getting retweeted by large accounts, including some members of the media. Realizing it was getting out of hand, he did the responsible thing and took it down.

Alas, it was too late. The damage, if you can call it that, was done. Pretty soon the hoax found its way into Rubin’s timeline when a Google employee shared it.


For his defense, Rubin posted an after picture of his empty plate, which definitely isn’t the saddest thing ever.

Switching to offense, he attacked Michael Sayman, the Google employee who had screengrabbed the image and tweeted it. Rubin even tagged Google in four follow-up tweets. L0G1c9UY, who asked to remain anonymous because of Rubin’s attacks on Sayman, said that the two don’t know each other.


“He’s just one of many innocent people who got taken in by my prank,” he said. “He seems like a good guy.”

Then Rubin tattled to @Jack, as people with extremely thick skins are wont to do.

Sayman quickly responded to Rubin that he’d thought the hoax was real and deleted his tweet as soon as he realized it wasn’t. Dissatisfied and potentially experiencing meat sweats, Rubin demanded an explanation of how Twitter works.


And thus, #steakgate was born. On one side: people laughing about some dude flipping out about false claim that he didn’t eat a steak. On the other: his buddies and fans defending his meat-eating honor.








Not to be cowed by the extremely simple explanation of how a harmless prank tweet spread across Twitter, Rubin kept going back for more and more and more. Finally satiated, he tweeted a picture of his desert: a single peanut butter cup, which he definitely didn’t get from Google images.


L0G1c9UY characterized the blowup as classic Rubin. “Get mad, play the victim, struggle futilely to come up with a joke and then concoct a conspiracy for good measure,” he said.