Warning: Many of these tweets contain offense language.
Immediately after the grand jury released its decision to not indict Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown, the Boston Red Sox’s official Twitter account sent out, and then immediately deleted, the following message:
Surveying Twitter, this is basically the only way to sum it up:
It’s the worst world in the world here tonight
– Will Eno
Here’s why:
#Ferguson demonstrators say they were helping a woman having a heart attack, police told them to drop her and then fired at them
— Joanna Jolly (@jojolly) November 25, 2014
After prosecuting attorney Bob McCulloch blamed the media in his preamble to announcing the verdict:
I’m pretty sure this guy didn’t have to stand trial either. pic.twitter.com/v9wgrRAjzB
— Hend Amry (@LibyaLiberty) November 25, 2014
In reference to the online crowdfunding campaigns that raised nearly half a million dollars for Wilson:
This is the “injury” suffered by Darren Wilson pic.twitter.com/zFxc6TVtAF
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) November 25, 2014
Awww….look at the cute little #Ferguson protesters warming themselves by the fire they started…get those kids some smores
— Hammy ✈🇺🇲🇮🇱 (@e2pilot) November 25, 2014
So the defense is laying out their argument. Oh, I’m sorry the prosecutor. #Ferguson
— Blair LM Kelley, PhD (@profblmkelley) November 25, 2014
Happy holidays, everyone.
.@Reuters Photo: Police form a line in the street under a holiday sign in Ferguson, Missouri pic.twitter.com/Qws7t6KG7D
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) November 25, 2014
Photo by Loavesofbread/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)