
Democrats in Congress demand Scott Pruitt resign during hearing

Things have gotten heated.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

scott pruitt

Embattled EPA Director Scott Pruitt headed up to Capitol Hill to testify on the 2019 fiscal year budget for his organization.

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Given everything that’s happened with Pruitt in the past month, that was the last thing any Democratic member of Congress had on their mind as Pruitt sat before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee

Instead, members of the House of Representatives demanded answers from Pruitt over his first-class travel, his raises given to staffers, the below-market condo he rented from a lobbyist, and the news that staffers who protested him were reassigned.

Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) said that Pruitt is unfit to hold public office, and he’s undeserving of the public trust.


“You really should resign,” he added.


When Rep. Anne Eschoo (D-Calif.) tried to force Pruitt to answer if he was going to reimburse taxpayers for his extravagant spending on first-class airfare, Pruitt claimed that his travel had been approved. Eschoo said she found that answer lacking.

Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) told Pruitt that he is “making our water less safe to drink and making our air less safe to breathe” and grilled Pruitt over his support for pulling out the Paris Accords.

“You are not doing your job,” he concluded.

Even Republicans had harsh words for Pruitt. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) called Pruitt’s decision to install a $43,000 soundproof phone booth a “waste of funds” noting that no previous EPA Director needed such an expense.


Earlier in the month, 170 members of Congress issued a statement calling on Pruitt to resign.

This article has been updated.