For those who are physically unable to drive there are self-driving cars and now for those who are just terrible drivers, there is CarVi. CarVi is essentially a fancy dash cam that monitors your driving patterns. The hockey puck shaped device keeps track of lane changes, potential front end collisions and reckless driving.
If CarVi suspects your car getting too close to the car in front it will alert you via an application on your phone. Just don’t watch the footage on your phone while you’re driving!
Algorithms are used to determine your driving pattern.
CarVi hopes bad habits are corrected after the recorded footage is viewed.
Is CarVi a welcome backseat driver?
Which would you rather listen to—your passenger nagging you about tailgating the car in front or a device that alerts you every time you accelerate too fast?
Of course there are some drawbacks about CarVi—it can’t tell you what’s in your blind spots or like a true backseat driver, it gives unwarranted directions. The device isn’t for sale, at least not yet. If you want to be an early adopter, you can donate to their Indiegogo campaign, but it’s going to cost a pretty penny.
Photo via CarVi/Indiegogo