
Bill de Blasio eating a corndog exudes presidential, sexual energy

It’s mesmerizing.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

bill diblasio corn dog

It may be 11:30am on the East Coast, but it’s never to early to be horny—not when the fate of the free world is at stake.

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This weekend, the 2020 Democratic contenders were at the Iowa State Fair, a quadrennial tradition that indicates the presidential election is really upon us.

At the Iowa State Fair, Democratic hopefuls have been mingling with local folk, playing coy about President Donald Trump’s ties to white supremacy, and eating deep-fried food on a stick. Here’s New York Mayor Bill de Blasio partaking in the festivities.


Is this presidential?

de blasio
Kim Norvell DMR/Twitter

Perhaps a more pertinent and pressing question: Is this hot?

Give it a try as a GIF first before you make up your mind.

Kim Norvell DMR/Twitter

You decide. But one thing is for certain. That look he is rocking is a straight rip-off of another candidate’s attempt at sexual energy: Beto O’Rourke during his Vanity Fair photoshoot.


Bill de Blasio. An old, poor man’s Beto.

Maybe that’s not a bad thing?



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