An anti-vaxxer is telling people to drink their own urine to counteract side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine, which he falsely claims alters your DNA.
Christopher Key refers to himself as the “Vaccine Police.” He calls the pandemic the “plandemic” and refers to vaccines as “satanic” and “Luciferian” and as bioweapons.
Key’s recently been driving around the country attending anti-vax protests and hoping to perform citizen’s arrests of Democratic governors over vaccine mandates. Last week, he was arrested on a trespassing charge.
After being released from jail, Key had some news for devotees. One of his doctors, he said, has figured out how to counteract the effects of the COVID vaccine: Drink your own piss.
There is no evidence that drinking urine has any health or medical benefits. Vaccines, however, are overwhelmingly effective at reducing the risk of death or hospitalization from COVID. The risk of serious side effects from vaccines is exceedingly low.
On Saturday, Key posted a video urging people to drink their urine to counteract the vaccine on his Telegram channel, where he has 24,000 subscribers. The comments were first reported by the Daily Beast.
Key doubled down on the recommendation in subsequent posts. In one post, he links to a website called “Dr. Group’s Urotherapy Research.”

The site refers to pee as “your own perfect medicine.” The “Dr. Group” he refers to appears to be a Texas-based life coach.
“Dr. Group is telling me that this is the antidote. I have practiced this myself for over 20 years,” he said in a video posted on Telegram on Monday, adding. “I do this every single day.”
“The antidote for those who have been vaccinated is to drink your own urine,” Key said.
Often speaking in the third person, Key repeatedly made the disclaimer that he wasn’t personally telling people to drink their pee, Dr. Group is, and said that they should do whatever God tells them to do. But he seems pretty convinced that God would agree that urotherapy is the way.
“They have seen complete and total reversal from doing this therapy,” Key insisted.
Drinking pee, even their own, proved a bridge too far for many of Key’s Telegram subscribers. One who said she drinks the chlorine dioxide Key touts wasn’t willing to recycle bodily waste as a beverage.
“I will drink some of his H2O but not his wee wee,” she wrote.

Some were intrigued, however. “Thank you for educating we the people you are the best,” wrote one.
One subscriber said that they’d already tried it and liked it. They even offered some helpful advice for anyone willing to drink their urine.
“In the morning is best. Mine tasted quite pleasant like bovril (that’s a British beef tasting drink),” they said.
Another said that drinking pee “pulls heavy metals from your body from chem trails.”
Key remains insistent that drinking your own piss does a body good.
“I do this and I know that sounds crazy,” he said in the video. “But hey, we’re living in crazy times.”