
After a second Civil War didn’t start yesterday, Alex Jones says just wait

It appears that the #SecondCivilWarLetters were sent just a bit too early. 

Photo of Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wyrich

Alex Jones Second Civil War InfoWars

InfoWars host Alex Jones predicted that liberals were starting a second Civil War yesterday.

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Obviously that didn’t happen and everyone went about their normal Independence Day routines. However, there were plenty of memes generated by his prediction.

But Jones wasn’t ready to admit he was wrong just yet.

Speaking on Periscope on Thursday, the InfoWars host said that the July 4th date was more of a “demarcation line” and argued that the exact date of the first Civil War starting was debated, so his prediction was similar.


“I didn’t say that it would be rockets and missiles and bombs and total death,” he said. “I said if you historically want to look at it, I think we’re going into a hotter Civil War. Not like North vs. South lining up… The left is calling for violence, their engaged in massive censorship, Antifa is attacking people all over the streets that go out and try to engage in it.”

The InfoWars host than claimed a “victory” for predicting things first, and said the media and other opponents were casting his second Civil War claim as a “defeat” as part of a “hoax firestorm.”

To Jones, the remarks from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for her supporters to continue confronting members of President Donald Trump‘s administration in public and other statements from Democrats were the beginning of what he called a “soft Civil War.”

The second Civil War, he said, would escalate in the coming months during what he called the “rage of summer.”


It appears that the #SecondCivilWarLetters were sent just a bit too early.