
10 awesome, easy, useful blueprints for 3D-printing beginners

Sure, you can 3D a car or a house or a miniature version of yourself. Or you could make something useful. 

Photo of Aja Romano

Aja Romano

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3D printing may be promising to deliver all kinds of futuristic technological marvels, but most of us are just wondering where to start. So for those of you who are just beginning to explore 3D printing, here are some simple yet practical blueprints for everyday items, from the open-source 3D printing communities of Repables and Thingiverse.

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Pen Holder


We’re pretty sure even we could make this handy pen holder


Coffee mug


This is the easiest 3D coffee mug blueprint we’ve seen on the Web. If it looks like something we could make in an hour of beginning ceramics class, sign us up.

Coat hangers


These simple yet endlessly practical coat hangers come in three designs: single prong, dual prong, and a full rack.

Headphone holder


We like this headphone holder because it’s a good way to get practice with 3D printer molds while still creating something functional and super-useful. 

Post-It holder


Same for this cool Post-It holder: easy and fun.


Adventure Time cosplay headband 


3D printed fashion like this headband is our new favorite cosplay accessory. This looks so easy to make.


Hollow pumpkin

If you’re feeling ambitious and want to get a little more quirky with your beginning 3D-printing adventures, why not go for this hollow pumpkin? It’s crafty and all-purpose.



This birdhouse is a great example of 3-D design made easy. A few flat pieces of 3-d printed plywood glued together! Plus, Birds can live in it! Sold.

Bag clip


These minimalist bag clips come in three slightly different variations of “so simple your grandmother could make.” 


Yep, that’s right. Behold the wonder of the cube, the simplest design of all: four beautifully solid sides and a block of material, and the most all-purpose, yet basic 3D printing blueprint ever.  Sit on it. Use it for a table or a nightstand. Put flowers on it. Kick it when you’re angry. Re-enact the classic Trek episode “The Corbomite Maneuver.” 


Can you see it? That’s the future.

Photo via jabella/Flickr; CC-BY-S.A. 2.0

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