
Reddit user says they quit smoking with a custom ChatGPT prompt built for ‘conversational hypnosis’

“Yes, inform a corporation of your worst personal problems, nothing can go wrong.”

Photo of Anna Good

Anna Good

A pendulum swinging over a Reddit post with floating ChatGPT symbols in the background. Caption: ' A Little Context: A few months ago, I quit nicotine. Not with willpower. Not with patches. Not with therapy because I was too broke for that lol. I used ChatGPT.'

A Redditor recently shared the claim that they quit smoking cigarettes through ChatGPT hypnosis and shared their story on the r/ChatGPTPromptGenius subreddit, which is dedicated to “curating a collection of high-quality & standardized prompts that can be used to generate creative and engaging AI conversations.”

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u/InsideAd9719 wrote, “A Little Context: A few months ago, I quit nicotine…I used ChatGPT. I prompted it to perform conversational hypnosis on me, the same kind therapists use to rewire cravings. And it worked. No struggle. No white-knuckling through withdrawals. Cravings gone.”

They went on to write, “Then I took it a step further. I built a custom GPT for my best friend using the same technique. He is now 32 days sober and quit drinking. After that, I shared both my methods here on this subreddit.”

In Body Image
u/InsideAd9719 via Reddit

“The response was insane! Over 120+ people have reached out personally to tell me they successfully quit nicotine & alcohol, and 1,400+ have reexamined their relationship with substances. Which is simply amazing, It shows the power of prompting!”

They shared the links to those posts. They shared that they’d been getting a lot of requests for quitting weed as well, which they included at the bottom of the post.

“As a 22 year old. I have a strong belief AI will change the world. Not someday but right now. WE ARE THAT CHANGE!! We don’t have to wait for change, we can create it. AI can help people break free from habits that no longer serve them and make real, lasting changes.”


OP then shared a link to a custom GPT they built on ChatGPT. It includes the “conversational hypnosis” prompt that others could plug into their own ChatGPT accounts if they prefer.

Does hypnosis work to break habits?

According to a research study available via the NIH, the results of hypnosis as a method of quitting a vice such as smoking or alcohol are inconclusive at best. They write, “There is insufficient evidence to determine whether hypnotherapy is more effective for smoking cessation than other forms of behavioral support or unassisted quitting. If a benefit is present, current evidence suggests the benefit is small at most. There is very little evidence on whether hypnotherapy causes adverse effects, but the existing data show no evidence that it does. Further large, high‐quality randomized controlled trials, and more comprehensive assessments of safety, are needed on this topic.”

Medical News Today shared statistics of hypnotherapy success rates, which varied wildly from 4% to 88% success for older studies, which they noted were not well-controlled studies. More recent studies, they note, “have found a success rate of 20% to 35%, although the review’s authors indicated that these studies were unreliable and uncontrolled.”


Responses to the ChatGPT hypnosis prompt

Redditors’ responses to u/InsideAd9719’s AI-powered hypnosis prompts were largely positive, with folks requesting prompts for other hypnosis prompts from the OP.

Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'What if you use ai to brainwash yourself into making better emotional decisions? Ai being super persuasive will be infinitely weirder than being super intelligent'

The Reddit post was reposted on X, formerly known as Twitter, where responses were more mixed:

Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'Especially systems with fewer guardrails that have the potential to convince people to do harmful things to themselves or others'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'Yes, inform a corporation of your worst personal problems, nothing can go wrong.'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'This is actually genius - although somewhat concerning as we move towards AGI'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'In all fairness, the type of person who needs AI to help them cope with addictions also sounds like the same type of person to be weak enough to be persuaded by AI.'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, ''hypnotize the subconscious* is a classier phrasing than brainwash imo, also your dumb af if you want to be that vulnerable with Pam Fartmans dumpster fire of wasted compute'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'The Venn diagram of people who can hypnotised by reading text on a screen, who also believe that AI is self-aware, and who are very very suggestible indeed, must be visually indistinguishable from one circle.'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, '
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'AI as a persuasion engine is way scarier than AI as an intelligence engine. Who controls the prompts controls the mind.'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'language models being very aware of psychological conditioning is probably somewhere close to a double-edge sword in the end. I'll say that I've created things that shouldn't have been created.'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'There’s some really scary yet intriguing potential here I feel like the Chinese warned us about this on Ethereum recently'
Response to ChatGPT being used as a hypnosis device. Text reads, 'Quiting weed has never improved anyone’s lives in meaningful or measurable ways. If ChatGPT can convince people to stop eating like sh*t and workout on the other hand…'

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