
A wall projector for your Instagram photos

This Kickstarter success story will turn Instagrams into wheels of 35mm slide film and project them. 

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Ah, the holidays are here. You’ve been taking pictures, and now it’s time to share them with everyone.

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How do you do it?

You get them printed on 35mm film and project it on the wall old school style. The Projecteo is perfect for that, especially if you’ve added special effects to your photos with Instagram.

The Projecteo is a tiny projector that operates on three batteries to project a film of up to nine photos. Yep, you’re going to be limited to nine photos per wheel. Adding more photos will require another wheel, so we’re really talking old school here. You can also dismantle the projector if you’re into that sort of thing as well. The photos can be projected from 2.5ft away with perfect crispness and quality.


The Projecteo is a Kickstarter project that has already raised $49K-plus. The device will cost $25 that will include a projector and a single strip of film with nine photos.

It can make for a great holidays present, whaddaya say?

Photo via Kickstarter
