
This startup will print your Instagram selfies on marshmallows

Why Instagram your food when you can print Instagram photos on your food?

Photo of Gaby Dunn

Gaby Dunn

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There’s a company that will turn your Instagram photos into Christmas wrapping paper, and another one that’s created a small wall projector for them. But a startup in England is about to truly take selfies to another level.    

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Boomf will print nine of your Instagram pictures on marshmallows for a small fee of about $20 U.S.

The marshmallows are flat squares, roughly four centimeters in size—the shape of the Instagram’s little camera screen. And the photos are pretty clear. Imagine serving hot cocoa to friends with your tinted beach recreated on top.



Customers worldwide can choose the pictures they want from their feed and have their tasty treats delivered in the mail. It’s a fun bit of random uselessness, but as the site suggests, you can “roast your ex over a bonfire.”

The marshmallows are gluten-free, and the site even gives tips on what kinds of photos work best printed on marshmallows (light “sunny day” ones, not dark “concert” photos).

Boomf was created by Mint Digital, a company connected to another Instagram art service: StickyGram, a startup that turns Instagram photos into magnets (inedible, unfortunately).

H/T Design Taxi | Photo via Boomf
