S.E. Smith
s.e. smith is a Northern California-based journalist and writer focusing on social justice issues. smith’s work has appeared in publications like Esquire, the Guardian, Rolling Stone, In These Times, Bitch Magazine, and Pacific Standard.
The Social Security system is dangerously outdated. Is it time for a tech update?
There are iPhone apps more powerful than government software.
On Mar 17, 2015 by S.E. Smith
7 reasons Twitter won’t fix its revenge porn problem
If only eradicating revenge porn was as easy as telling people not to post it.
On Mar 16, 2015 by S.E. Smith
The sexist double standard of shaming Internet harassers
A man standing up for his daughter is a hero, but a mom who does the same is a bully.
On Mar 12, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Hillary Clinton’s email scandal matters—but not for the reason you think
If the media wants to complain about trust issues, it has only itself to blame.
On Mar 11, 2015 by S.E. Smith
7 reasons Obama’s tech initiative is good for America
With TechHire, the president has made it clear that he plans to make a bold mark on America’s tech future.
On Mar 10, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Why you should be encrypting your phone calls and texts
The barriers to entry are so low that there’s really no reason not to.
On Mar 9, 2015 by S.E. Smith
7 ways to force companies to fix their cybersecurity
If we can’t make companies tighten up their security with a carrot, it’s time for a stick.
On Mar 6, 2015 by S.E. Smith
How to talk about disability issues on the Internet
It’s more complicated than you think.
Can Google kill content farms at last?
We’re all tired of junk websites cluttering up our search results, but Google is actually doing something about it.
On Mar 4, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Hate anti-vaxxer parents? Then don’t opt out of sex ed for your kids
It’s time to shame the parents who are harming not only their own kids but everyone else’s, too.
On Mar 3, 2015 by S.E. Smith
The complicated sexual politics of Netflix’s ‘House of Cards’
It deals with nonmonogamy and fluidity better than any show on TV.
On Mar 2, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Why a pipeline to Alaska won’t solve California’s deadly drought
California needs something better than Alaskan pipe dreams: Silicon Valley.
Is Facebook a replacement for a suicide hotline?
Encouraging users to narc on each other might not be such a good idea.
On Feb 27, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Is the surveillance age making us any safer?
WYNC looked at the numbers behind red light cameras, and the results may surprise you.
On Feb 26, 2015 by S.E. Smith
How data brokers sell your health information online
On the Web, there’s no such thing as free lunch.
On Feb 25, 2015 by S.E. Smith