S.E. Smith
s.e. smith is a Northern California-based journalist and writer focusing on social justice issues. smith’s work has appeared in publications like Esquire, the Guardian, Rolling Stone, In These Times, Bitch Magazine, and Pacific Standard.
You’ll never believe what Facebook is doing to clickbait
Facebook just quietly changed the Internet forever.
On Aug 26, 2014 by S.E. Smith
How Facebook ruined your Twitter feed
Their feed wasn’t broke, but Twitter fixed it anyway.
On Aug 25, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Is Silicon Valley the new Versailles?
Let them eat microchips.
On Aug 22, 2014 by S.E. Smith
What happens when women report abuse on Twitter
It’s time for Twitter to address its harassment politics.
On Aug 21, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Why Ashley Madison is cheating on its users with Big Data
It turns out having an affair online isn’t so discreet after all.
On Aug 19, 2014 by S.E. Smith
I’m one of the writers requesting their work be removed from Thought Catalog
Trolls don’t go away. They just get bigger.
On Aug 18, 2014 by S.E. Smith
The 5 types of Robin Williams trolls you’ll meet on the Internet
Even when a beloved comedy legend dies, the Internet is still a terrible place.
On Aug 14, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Could cop-cams fight America’s police brutality crisis?
After the Ferguson shooting, it’s time to take action.
On Aug 13, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Inside big data’s shadowy billion-dollar credit score industry
When the financial industry is already a Wild West atmosphere, why make it worse?
On Aug 12, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Is the new ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ cover trolling readers?
This is the best thing that could have ever happened to Roald Dahl.
The uncertain future of the celebrity whistleblower
When outing U.S. government information means going public, how does that change our relationship to whistleblowers?
On Aug 11, 2014 by S.E. Smith
How Barack Obama became the Internet’s first celebrity president
Is the Commander in Chief now the Entertainer in Chief?
On Aug 8, 2014 by S.E. Smith
The problem with James Franco and celebrity queerbaiting
It might be a game to James Franco, but it’s deadly serious for the rest of us.
On Aug 7, 2014 by S.E. Smith
A Facebook outage is an emergency—but not for the reason you think
Should you really call 911 when Facebook goes down?
Why the newest face in late night TV is yet another white guy
In picking James Corden, CBS gave the Internet the middle finger.
On Aug 6, 2014 by S.E. Smith