S.E. Smith
s.e. smith is a Northern California-based journalist and writer focusing on social justice issues. smith’s work has appeared in publications like Esquire, the Guardian, Rolling Stone, In These Times, Bitch Magazine, and Pacific Standard.
How tech industry money is shaping the midterm elections
The tech industry can’t decide quite how it wants to influence elections, but it definitely wants to throw money at them anyway.
On Nov 3, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Why you shouldn’t lose faith in space after Antares
A single exploding rocket is a drop in the bucket against a long list of successes.
On Oct 29, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Why the U.S. needs to ban social media on election day
A social media blackout would be a simplistic, and impossible, solution to poor voter turnout.
A new device may cut down on police shootings
With body cams and smart guns, cops are starting to look very different than they used to.
On Oct 28, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Is voicemail over?
If you think anyone’s actually listening to that message you just left, stop kidding yourself.
Why the 1 percent needs to suck it up and hand out candy to the 99 percent
People too cheap to hand out candy to little kids really do exist.
On Oct 25, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Dedicating a website to your ex-girlfriend isn’t romantic—it’s creepy
No matter how much you want your girlfriend back, humiliating her in public won’t do it.
On Oct 24, 2014 by S.E. Smith
The shocking realities of Canada’s parliament tragedy
The attack on Canada’s Parliament may have us pondering gun violence, but we’re approaching it from the wrong angle.
Has Johnny Depp finally jumped the shark for good?
We may have reached peak Johnny Depp.
On Oct 23, 2014 by S.E. Smith
A female Robin isn’t just awesome—it might save Hollywood
Casting more women in lead roles just makes economic sense.
On Oct 21, 2014 by S.E. Smith
7 ways to fix Uber before it’s too late
If Uber can’t fix its safety problems, it might spell the end of the sharing economy, not just the controversial rideshare company.
On Oct 15, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Why is the Internet upset about a dog when thousands are dying?
3,439 people have died of Ebola in West Africa. But what we all care about is the case of Excalibur the dog.
On Oct 14, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Inside the patent wars that are ruining American innovation
As long as companies can file frivolous lawsuits over dubious patents, Americans will lose.
Why Microsoft can’t pay its female employees in ‘karma’
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella retracted his “karma” comment, but he missed the bigger point.
On Oct 13, 2014 by S.E. Smith
Why the Internet thinks Philip Roth was robbed
Americans clamoring to know why Philip Roth hasn’t won a Nobel seem to have missed a key fact: Maybe he’s just not good enough.
On Oct 10, 2014 by S.E. Smith