Chase Hoffberger
Chase Hoffberger reported on YouTube, web culture, and crime for the Daily Dot until 2013, when he joined the Austin Chronicle. Until late 2018, he served as that paper’s news editor and reported on criminal justice and politics.
Developer who tried to fix Facebook gets banned from Facebook
“Steve,” the man behind the popular F.B. Purity browser extension—which blocks Facebook ads and unwanted newsfeed messages—has been banned from the site by Facebook’s legal team.
On Dec 19, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
YouTube video played no role in Benghazi attacks
An investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya found that the controversial film “Innocence of Muslims” had no part in inciting the violence.
Drunk tweets don’t count, says U.K. prosecutor
Good news for all the drunks in Great Britain: Your alcoholism may get you out of trouble for the offensive things you post to Twitter and Facebook after hours.
YouTube stars create ultimate viral video with “Gangnam Style” mashup
Here’s what happens when you combine YouTube’s top 100 stars with two of the site’s biggest hits to date.
On Dec 18, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
“Troll” held on $250,000 bail for school shooting threat
A 19-year-old man from Washington State threatened to “shoot up every school” within a 100-mile radius. He’s currently being held by police, and reportedly told them he’s an Internet troll.
The top 10 most influential people on YouTube in 2012
These 10 prominent users changed the conversation and helped push YouTube further into the mainstream eye than ever before.
Hacker sentenced to 10 years for nude photos of Scarlett Johansson
Christopher Chaney was arrested in October 2011 after a yearlong investigation into celebrity hacking that authorities colloquially called “Operation Hackerazzi.”
On Dec 17, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
With just months to live, 17-year-old records a final song
17-year-old guitarist Zach Sobiech, who suffers from a terminal bone cancer called osteosarcoma, wrote and recorded “Clouds” for the world to remember him by.
NRA Facebook page goes offline after school shooting
The National Rifle Association has stayed silent on Twitter, and apparently taken down its Facebook page, after Friday’s tragic mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school.
140,000 people signed this White House gun control petition
One of the White House’s petitions launched Friday in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., has become the most popular petition on We the People.
The cutest compilation of babies trying to stay awake
You can now take in the wonders and cuteness of these 14 bored-by-life babies in one four-minute supercut.
On Dec 14, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Police smash DJ gear with sledgehammers in anti-rave video
Officers at England’s Norfolk Constabulary were court-ordered to destroy speakers and amps seized from an illegal rave, so they took sledgehammers to the gear in a YouTube video.
“Gangnam Style” kills first man
A man in England died Saturday after an office party performance of “Gangnam Style” led to chest pains and an eventual failure of the heart.
On Dec 13, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Bored British police parody Vanilla Ice on Twitter
#IceIceSurrey is the new hashtag going straight to the top of Twitter feeds in England.
On Dec 12, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Egyptian man gets 3 years for uploading “Innocence of Muslims”
Albert Saber, 27, was convicted of “denigrating religions” and sentenced to three years in prison for his role in uploading and promoting the controversial anti-Muslim film.