Chase Hoffberger
Chase Hoffberger reported on YouTube, web culture, and crime for the Daily Dot until 2013, when he joined the Austin Chronicle. Until late 2018, he served as that paper’s news editor and reported on criminal justice and politics.
The Oatmeal campaigns Elon Musk for millions—and it may have worked
2012’s crowdfunding campaign only bought the land for the Tesla Museum. Next up? The main event.
On May 15, 2014 by Chase Hoffberger
Pornhub data reveals the exact moment Denver fans turned off the Super Bowl
The Bronco faithful decided to take the matter of “beatdowns” into their own hands.
On Feb 4, 2014 by Chase Hoffberger
Florida woman suing ex-boyfriend for revenge porn submissions
A woman in Florida has filed the first ever civil lawsuit against an ex-boyfriend that concerns the distribution of private photographs to revenge porn websites around the Internet.
On May 1, 2013 by Chase Hoffberger
Student arrested for fake school-shooting video
A teenager in Wisconsin was arrested over the weekend for making a YouTube video that depicted students getting shot outside of his high school in the Forest County town of Crandon.
On Jan 8, 2013 by Chase Hoffberger
I bought myself 60,000 YouTube views for Christmas
Just how easy is it to buy YouTube views, and what exactly happens when you’ve done it?
On Jan 3, 2013 by Chase Hoffberger
Internet Comment Etiquette: Your guide to conspiracy theories
Erik Hoffstad has spent much of his adult life cruising through the comments sections of nearly every site on the Internet.
On Dec 31, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Pakistan lifts YouTube ban after 3 long months
The Pakistani government plans to unblock access to YouTube within the next 24 hours, according to information detailed on federal interior minister Rehman Malik’s Twitter feed.
On Dec 28, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
“1 Pound Fish” YouTube sensation deported to Pakistan
Muhammad Shahid Nazir will reportedly file for a French visa in order to reenter London.
Meet Hwang Min-Woo, the kid star of “Gangnam Style”
Psy’s Mini-Me says he wants to be bigger than Psy himself!
On Dec 27, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
“Gangnam Style” vodka is coming for Russia
A company in Russia made its first move to cash in on Psy’s 2012 anthem “Gangnam Style” this week.
On Dec 25, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
The top 10 most influential crowdfunding campaigns of 2012
Kickstarter and its crowdfunding contemporaries hit the mainstream this year, behind these blockbuster campaigns.
On Dec 24, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Motown Tribute to Nickelback drops debut on Bandcamp
The world hasn’t closed up shop, but hell may have frozen over. The Motown Tribute to Nickelback has finally released their debut album on Bandcamp.
On Dec 21, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
“Gangnam Style” wins the race to 1 billion YouTube views
Korean rapper Psy becomes the first artist in the world to rack up 1 billion YouTube views for a single song.
Daym Drops tells us all about his “Fallon” appearance
Things are starting to get Super, Super Official for the great YouTube food reviewer Daymon “Daym Drops” Patterson.
On Dec 20, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Reddit helps deaf man understand grandfather’s WWII video
When a 32-year-old deaf man came to Reddit for help interpreting an old video of his now-departed grandfather, redditors stepped up to caption the entire thing.