
Video shows mom attacking daughter’s boyfriend after he pretends to cheat in plain sight

That escalated quickly.

Photo of Bryan Rolli

Bryan Rolli

Man on phone in vehicle with angry women in front seat, captioned with 'Cheating on my Girlfriend infront of her MOM'

A viral social media prank escalated quickly when a mother attacked her daughter’s boyfriend for pretending to cheat on her in plain sight. 

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The Heartbreaks—the content creator power couple Keylow and Jenise Benji—uploaded the prank over the weekend. The video earned 2.2 million views on TikTok in three days. 

The video, filmed from the dashboard of the car, begins with Benji getting out of the car to “get her phone” in the house, leaving her mother and Keylow to wait in the car. Like clockwork, Keylow gets a phone call. 

“What do this girl want?” he says. He picks up the phone and instantly gets on the defensive. 


“Baby, slow down. You always yelling. Just let me talk,” he says. “You know I’m with her right now and I’ma make time for you. She coming right now, she coming, she coming.” 

When Benji gets back in the car, her mother puts Keylow on blast. 

“OK, your friend got some explaining to do,” she says. “He on the phone with some girl talking about he wanna make time for her, and that she coming, she coming, she coming, he gotta get off the phone. Why he gotta get off the phone?”


Benji feigns outrage as Keylow tries to defend himself, but her mother is having none of it. 

“Boy, don’t play with me. I will jump to this backseat on you,” she says. “I’m from Fifth Ward. I do not play that shit. Now what you not gonna do is lie. Get the phone and check it out.”

Benji makes one last Hail Mary attempt to clear his name: “My pastor’s wife called me.”

That’s when Benji’s mother goes nuclear. “Pastor’s wife? He wanna keep lying on the pastor wife? I can’t do this,” she says. She gets out of the passenger’s seat, opens the back door, and yanks Keylow out of the car. 


Having successfully pulled off another prank, Benji rushes to defend her man. “Mama, it’s a prank!” she yells, flipping the dashboard cam to show her mother tackling Keylow in the front yard of their house.

Benji’s mom was praised by thousands of TikTokers sounding off in the comments. 

“‘Your friend got some explaining to do’ she broke ya’ll up right then and there,” the top comment reads.


“Tell me you got a ride or die mom without telling me you got a ride or die mom,” another wrote.

Some viewers really thought they did something when they pointed out that the video was staged—which would have been obvious if they had looked at the rest of the couple’s videos on TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram. 

Not everybody was impressed, though. Twitter user @Cchoudhry1 criticized the video for “[normalizing] manipulative & toxic behaviour” and lamented, “People wonder why relationships are so fucked these days whilst immersing themselves in this ratchet shit.” 

But @Cchoudhry1 was in the minority. Most people appreciated the amateur sketch comedy for what it was and applauded Benji’s mom. As another TikToker wrote: “She from the 5th ward she don’t play.”
