
Anti-Trump protesters block access to inauguration

‘Hey hey! Ho ho! White supremacy has got to go’

Photo of Amrita Khalid

Amrita Khalid

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Hundreds of protesters on Friday shut down multiple entry points to President-elect Donald Trump‘s inauguration. 

Masses of protesters in support of causes that included climate change, Black Lives Matter, NoDAPL, women’s rights, immigrant rights, LGBT rights, and anti-fascism descended upon the nation’s capital and formed blockades in front of security checkpoints.

The effort to disrupt Trump’s inauguration was largely organized by a group known as Disrupt J20, which has organized multiple protests throughout this week and a rally and march on Inauguration Day. 

The group began with a march that started at 9am ET. 

Protesters successfully shut down 6six of the 12 inauguration access points as of 10am ET on Friday morning.

Police reportedly began dragging protesters who were forming a blockade at a checkpoint at 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. and detaining them.

Police sawed off a PVC pipe that linked protesters arms together. Newsweek journalist Emily Cadei reported that police put a bag over one protester’s head. 

The Climate Justice blockade fully blocked the checkpoint at 5th and G Streets, N.W.

Trump’s swearing-in ceremony will take place at approximately 12pm ET.

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