If there’s one thing wrong with the Snuggie, the blanket with armholes that somehow managed to captivate a group of chilly-limbed devotees, it’s that there’s no protection for your face. Voila—someone has solved that non-problem too. Meet the Face Blanket.
The Face Blanket is a blanket for your face. It costs $9.99. It has a hole for breathing. Wanna know what costs a lot less? Cutting a damn nose hole in a regular blanket.
If you’re wondering why you’d ever need a Face Blanket, you can watch the video below. The Face Blanket people seem reasonably self-aware about creating a novelty product for the sake of social media attention.
Still, if you sleep in a tent and have a high risk of frostbite, you’re welcome to risk looking like a member of a KKK Blue Man Group for a little cheek warmth.
The Amazon reviews for the Face Blanket are, of course, delightful.
The Face Blanket: If you actually need this, you should be hiding your face in shame anyway.
H/T BroBible