
Learn how to start building your own animations with these online classes

Spice up your resume with your new skills.

Photo of Lauren Forgione

Lauren Forgione

animation classes

When you think of animation, chances are you picture classic cartoonsmoviesgifs, and maybe video games. But animation is used today in so many ways and so many places that learning how to do it can be a huge resume boost. Music, education, marketing, social media, web and app design, advertising, product development, medicine, forensics, real estate, engineering, meteorology, and public speaking are just some of the areas where being a skilled animator will give you an edge on the competition. Plus, animation is fun! And who doesn’t want to be paid to have fun?

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Does a career in animation sound right for you? The 8-course Complete Beginner’s Guide to Animation Bundle will get you on the path there. It’s packed with over 17 hours of instruction on using Adobe software to gain pro-level animation skills and features beginner and intermediate lessons by 2D Animation 101, a group of animators with a decade of experience who aim to equip future animators with all the necessary techniques and tips to help them do better projects.

With 251 lectures in total, this online training uses hands-on projects to cover the Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro CC, and Illustrator techniques that you simply must know. That includes how to save time with software secrets like rigging characters to automate the movements by using expressions; how to edit and improve your final animation sequences; turning paper drawings into beautiful characters; designing memorable characters that have strong personalities you can actually read in their expressions and movements; basic digital design skills like creating a color palette, using the live paint feature, and incorporating a drawing tablet into your workflow. 

If that all sounds pretty technical, well, it is. But in the Photoshop class, you’ll learn how to create backgrounds and image assets to accompany your animations—no drawing skills required! And that’s not the only course that you can jump right into, thanks to the 17 lessons in Sketching for Animators Who Can’t Draw, during which you’ll learn a fun and easy way to get started. 


In addition, you’ll get two and a half hours on monetizing your newfound skills and building your own business as a freelancer as well as three hours on directing and producing a team to help bring your ideas for animation to life. That’s right: You can launch a career behind the scenes and you don’t even need to know how to draw or animate to get started.

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Animation Bundle is on sale for 95% off: Snap it up now for just $24.99.

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