
Is Harry Styles playing Prince Eric in ‘The Little Mermaid’?

Probably not.

Photo of Tiffanie Drayton

Tiffanie Drayton

harry styles prince eric the little mermaid

Rumors are circulating that Harry Styles has signed on to play Prince Eric in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid. Yet, Styles’ role in the movie is not “official, official”–and here’s why.

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The claim was first made on the DisInsider website, which also tweeted out the “exclusive” news. Yet, that account, as Cosmopolitan noted, is unverified.

The Wrap–a verified account–is also claiming, exclusively, that Styles turned down the role.


That didn’t stop several publications from picking up the claim as fact. It also didn’t stop Twitter from going wild–leading the hashtags #PrinceEric and #HarryStyles to trend.


“Harry Styles is officially Prince Eric and I can’t think of a way to stop Disney from taking my money,” one user tweeted.


It makes sense that people were so quick to run with the announcement, as Styles was said to be in talks with Disney to take up the role in July.

And ever since the announcement that Halle Bailey would be starring as Ariel in the remake, the internet has been abuzz with speculation about who would snag the role of her Prince. Style’s name was thrown in the hat by fans early in the game, but there were many other suggestions as well.

“How about Alex Landi for Prince Eric,” one user wrote.



So, as it turns out, there may be some hope for those Styles detractors after all.


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H/T Cosmopolitan

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