They say that practice makes perfect. That’s a lie. “Only perfect practice makes perfect,” an old coach used to tell. His point: It’s not how much time you spend doing something—it’s how you go about doing, pushing yourself to get better with each repetition.
Case in point, this bedroom dancer’s bucket-list dance routine. Using a GoPro camera, he filmed himself getting down to Jamiroquai’s “Canned Heat.” Unlike similar endeavors, where there’s marked improvement over time, he’s pretty much the same lovable goof from start to finish. But I’ll be damned if you can make it all the way through without starting to shuffle your feet.
Update: Just when I thought this couldn’t get any better, it’s been pointed out countless times now in the comments that he’s doing the dance from Napoleon Dynamite. I’ve never felt more like Kip.
H/T Reddit | Screengrab via ProjectOneLife/YouTube