Internet Culture

‘Cheddar’ the corgi from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ dead at 13 

RIP to the show’s cutest cast member.

Photo of Caitlin Davis

Caitlin Davis


Brooklyn Nine-Nine lost its cutest cast member on Tuesday. The corgi who played Cheddar, real name Stewart, died at age 13. 

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Stewart’s owner assured everyone through Instagram that Stewart “crossed the rainbow bridge” in peace. According to his owner, Stewart spent his final hours enjoying the beach–his favorite place–while snacking on In-N-Out burgers.

The veterinarian met the pair on the beach and put Stewart to sleep as he laid in his owner’s arms “while listening to the sounds of the ocean.”


“He was a one in a million kind of dog, he was my supaah staah,” Stewart’s owner wrote.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans are reeling with the news. Stewart was the longest-running pup to play Captain Holt’s dog on the show. Stewart’s sister, Stella, will follow in his footsteps as Holt’s “cute secret weapon” by taking on the role as Cheddar in season seven.

“Heartbroken at the news that Stewart the corgi who played cheddar has passed away :( Rest In Peace little fella you were the best doggo,” one Twitter user wrote.




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H/T BuzzFeed

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