Prepare to be wooed by Audible’s Romance Package

It’s the hottest collection of audiobooks yet.

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

audible membership

Amazon Audible memberships are cool for a lot of reasons, one of them being the option to sign up for the Romance Package (which BTW new subscribers can check out for free for 30 days).

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Classic Audible memberships offer users a finite amount of credits to spend on downloads each month. But with the Romance Package, the service is unlimited. So you can binge to your heart’s content!

Audible makes it easy to fall in love with a new book. The entire catalog has been organized into subgenres, so you can search by character types, story themes, romance categories, and even steaminess. Additionally, the service employs some handy tech to help you get to “the good part” faster. Meaning you can skip the carefully authored details and flip straight to the sex scenes because we all know that’s what you came for anyway.


After your free trial, your subscription will automatically renew at the regular price of $14.95/month (unless you cancel your subscription first). However, if you’re a current Audible or Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you’ll receive a discount on the renewal and only have to pay an additional $6.95/month



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