Happy Prohibition Repeal Day!
The 18th amendment to the constitution banned the sale and manufacture of alcohol, but the 21st amendment, ratified on Dec. 5, 1933, overturned it, which is why beer, wine and stronger drinks are legal in America today (at least if you’re over 21). The traditional way to celebrate Repeal Day is via the purchase and consumption of legal alcoholic beverages.
Some people just straightforwardly drink, but we prefer our intoxication to come from drinking games. We wanted to tell you about our own personal favorites, but we’re too drunk to remember any of them, so here’s some cool ones we found on the Internet.
Because winter has arrived. Endorsed (and posted on Facebook) by none other than George Takei himself.
Photo via George Takei/Facebook
Cracked offered rules for one Facebook drinking game over five years ago, and it is, arguably, the only thing that hasn’t changed about Facebook since then: when you get drunk on Facebook, the single most important rule to remember is, “Try not to send rambling, incoherent messages to every [person] you had a crush on in high school.”
Urban Dictionary offers another Facebook game option: make a post promising to take a drink for every “like” that post gets. The problem with that game is, the less friends you have the less you get to drink, which kind of defeats the purpose of drinking when you don’t have many friends.
Photo via WeKnowMemes.com
You can play it with friends like a traditional board game—land on spaces and follow the instructions. Or you can go online, read a thread on some heated debate, and drink whenever someone posts any of the angry troll faces in the game.
Rage Face or other online games are, by definition, played online. So your friends can’t actually see you; they only see what you type. If you want them to think you’re drinking when you’re actually not, just run your comments through the Drunk Post Translator before you post them.
WRONG: OMG I am so drunk right now.
RIGHT: omg i eam so drunk girht nosw.
Too bad Repeal Day isn’t in September or October, because then it would fall during presidential election season, when ordinary Americans desperately need a drink. If you’re a serious political junkie, you could try watching repeats of last January’s state of the union broadcast, whose rules are still online.
These rules work equally well for watching last season’s presidential debate footage, next month’s State of the Union address, anything a politician currently says about the president, or anything the president says in response. One suggestion, though: to avoid alcohol poisoning, alter the rules so that, whenever it says “drink one shot,” you actually drink one drop. Otherwise you’ll consume more than your body weight in alcohol, which is extremely dangerous.
Remember: Drink responsibly.
Technically, this isn’t a drinking “game” so much as a drinking “rationalization,” but: there are whiskey advent calendars which let you drink and celebrate the countdown to Christmas at the same time.
Technically, it’s too late to start an advent calendar now, since those begin on the first of the month. But if you buy one anyway, and catch up by drinking five day’s worth of advent whiskey all at once, that would certainly be in keeping with the spirit of repeal day.
Photo via libraryrachel/Flickr