With over 72 hours of footage uploaded every minute, it’s physically impossible to keep track of the content on YouTube. But in YouTube Guide, the Daily Dot will curate its five favorite finds for each workday.
1) NOC, “Obama vs Romney Battle”
President Obama and Mitt Romney have gone against each other in debates, so why not a dance off in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park? The polls don’t have a clear winner for tomorrow’s election, but in this contest one candidate truly shines.
2) Diwa de Leon, “The Mini Mario Orchestra – Epic RPG Medley”
This was a long time coming. Composer Diwa de Leon finally pieced together an epic RPG medley that includes some of the most famous video game themes like multiple Final Fantasys, Mass Effect 1 and, as the musicians’ costume suggests, Super Mario RPG.
3) Lindsey Stirling, “Assassin’s Creed III”
Devin Graham tackled Assassin’s Creed 3 last week, but this time the hiphop violinist takes the reigns as Connor Kenway. She’s done video game covers before, but this time she’s the hunted as she dashes and hides from British soldiers in the wilderness.
4) The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, “Yeah I know”
Lizzie and Charlotte react post-Darcy Day, and as the reality that Darcy has probably watched all of Lizzie’s videos hits them, he stops by to discuss her portrayal of him and leaves a letter, which Jane Austen fans will know puts some things in another light.
5) nelldogcf, “ELECTRICITY FIGHT”
Two performers at the Belfast Festival start off putting their Tesla coils on display, but as the crowd looks on they turn their coils on each other and a striking light show ensues.
Photo via NOC/YouTube