
The Morning GIF: T time

High culture meets low prices in this marketplace GIF.

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

Article Lead Image

Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

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Andy Warhol would approve. The Low Countries meet high culture at the mass market in this ultra-creative GIF.

Fifteenth century artist Hans Memling’s portrait of Saint Veronica holding her vexillum (divine sweat rag) has gone commercial, thanks to the mashup talent of GIF artist Scorpion Dagger. With the clever substitution of some balding rando with a line of Flemish patter and a business plan for the saint, the Tumblr user has brought the image from the 15th century to the 21st. If the 231 notes were actual sales, he’d be $4,620 richer today.

What are you waiting for, Dagger? Make those T-shirts happen!


The Daily Dot