
This video on how an 18th-century woman dressed is ludicrously complicated

It’s almost not worth getting out of bed.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

18th century fashion

If you ever wondered how complicated it was for a woman to get dressed in the 18th century, this YouTube video from the CrowsEyeProductions channel shows us in exquisite detail. In five words: it is complicated as hell.

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Apparently, a working woman in the 1700s had to deal with all kinds of shifts and stays and petticoats so she could leave her tiny, heartless bedroom and get ready for a day without TV and the internet. And it seemingly takes forever to get dressed.

Naturally, some of the YouTube comments were nearly as entertaining as the video.


From LenoraMars: “Soon as I think she done getting dressed she adds another piece of clothing.”

From lasgsd1: “If this was REALLY the 18th century she would not have clean shaven legs!”

From lsagail: “Goodness. How do people get freaky back in those days huh? That’s a lotta layers! I’ve be exhausted by the time I reach the stays.”

From BrittKatSlat: “The amount of shit she tied around her waist made me absolutely crazy.”


But for anybody who enjoyed the video, here’s another piece of good news: The YouTube channel said it’s also been commissioned to create a piece on how 18th-century men got dressed. That likely will also feature knee-high stockings.

The Daily Dot