
Little kid can’t stop dropping F-bombs, much to dad’s dismay

He got it from his dad.

Photo of Jay Hathaway

Jay Hathaway

Child in car seat with censor bar covering mouth

It’s not the most important thing about being a U.S. Marine, but it is undeniably a thing: You’re likely to hear and say the word “fuck.” A lot. And if we’re being honest, the same goes for journalists. So when journalist and former Marine James LaPorta became a dad, and his kid started talking, he had to start worrying about what his son would pick up.

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It’s hard not to laugh, and even LaPorta himself can’t totally keep it in, but he told the Huffington Post he’s been trying hard to rein in his language in front of his son Joel. Transitioning from the adult world to parenthood is hard, though, and it seems a lot of other parents can relate. LaPorta’s video has been shared thousands of times on Twitter, and sympathetic moms and dads have replied with sympathy and advice. LaPorta might want to consider “Fudge!” in the future.


But it sounds like he’s going to give a less common option a spin:

Aww, buckets! This is going to be a tough habit to break.

The Daily Dot