Internet Culture

Mom dropping daughter off at college immediately gets hit on my shirtless hunks

When your mom is more popular than you before classes even start, you know you’re going to have an interesting freshman year.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Mom poses with shirtless football players

There’s a lot to worry about when you’re starting college. Will you get along with your roommate? Will you be able to maintain a social life and still get decent grades? Which sexy football player will your mom end up dating?

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Okay that last one is really only something you have to worry about if your mom is Charlize Theron, Diane Keaton (both currently single), or if you’re this girl, whose mom dropped her off for freshman orientation and then sent her this text.


Those are, by even the strictest of definitions, some hunky dudes.

Avery Leilani, the freshman in question, clearly has a sense of humor about the whole thing. Not only did she post the exchange to Twitter, she even acknowledged that her mom is already doing better with the college boys than she is.


Leilani wasn’t the only one amused by her mother’s new friends. Twitter seemed to be almost as in love with the lady as the group of 20-something football players.


Look on the bright side, Avery, at least now you can get into all the cool parties. Provided of course that your mom agrees to take you.

H/T Mashable

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