
‘Serial’ is returning to the Adnan Syed case

And Syed is getting a post-conviction hearing.

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

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Adnan Syed, the subject of Serial’s first season who is serving a life sentence for murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, is finally getting his day in court, and the podcast that brought his story to a new audience is continuing to tell his story.

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Serial fans who checked their podcast feeds this morning discovered two new episodes ready to download—the next installment of season 2, which is about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, and an update about the three-day hearing in Baltimore, which will determine whether Syed will receive a new trial.

“This week, I’m going to do something I haven’t done before, which is duck back into Adnan Syed’s case for a few days to report on a court proceeding that’s happening in Baltimore,” Serial host Sarah Koenig explained at the beginning of the episode.

Instead of putting an update out every week or two weeks, as she’s done in the past, Koenig will put out daily updates about the hearings, which she is attending.


Syed originally filed a petition for a post-conviction relief hearing in 2010—long before fans ever knew about Serial—but that was denied in 2012. He won that appeal and was granted the post-conviction hearing in November.

The argument from Syed and his lawyers, which is covered in Serial, is that Syed’s original defense team failed him when he was convicted in 2000. They claimed that his defense attorney, Cristina Gutierrez, inadequately represented him because she was ill. (Gutierrez was disbarred in 2001 after receiving complaints from clients and died in 2004 after suffering from multiple sclerosis and diabetes.)

According to Syed’s lawyers, Gutierrez also failed to contact Asia Chapman (née McClain) as an alibi witness for Syed. They will also argue that the cell tower evidence that largely helped convict Syed was “misleading and should have never been admitted at trial.”


Syed appeared in court with his friends and family there to support him, including longtime advocate Rabia Chaudry, who is tweeting about the hearing. (She’s also criticized Koenig for how she’s presenting Syed in the podcast.)


Lee’s family didn’t attend the first day of hearings. In a statement, they called Lee the “true victim” and they want to bring this chapter of their life to an end.


Members of Lee’s family did show up for the second day of proceedings.


The first two days of testimony largely focused on Chapman’s story. She originally wrote letters to Syed offering help and noting that she had seen him in the library the day that Lee died. Although Rabia Chaudry, a longtime advocate of Syed, contacted her about the alibi, Gutierrez never did. When Brown contacted her in 2010, she was dissuaded from helping the case by prosecutor Kevin Urick, who told her that “[Syed] killed that girl.”


Koenig interviewed her for Serial, but Chapman originally thought it was for an article. It wasn’t until after Serial came out that Chapman heard that Urick claimed she had been pressured sure write an affidavit about the day Lee died. Shocked at how she was represented, she decided to help Syed’s case.

“It placed a great weight on my heart to make sure justice could be fairly evaluated,” Chapman testified.

During Thursday’s hearing Chapman was cross-examined by the prosecution, which is trying to discredit her story. The court also heard from Chapman’s boyfriend at the time, Justin Adger.



The court is now hearing testimony from an expert on cell tower technology. The hearing is still ongoing, and it’s unclear if a decision will be made at the end of the hearing or at a later date.

Update 11:30am CT, Feb. 5: According to ABC’s Christian Schaffer, the hearing will receive an extension.


Photo via stuart.childs/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) | Remix by Fernando Alfonso III

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