
‘Def not for chain restaurants’: Viewers divided over whether customer should tip for takeout

‘Is it wrong not to tip?’

Photo of Amara Thomas

Amara Thomas

Woman talking(l+r), Tip jar(c)

In a viral video, TikToker Abigail (@thenappinghouse_) asked her viewers whether she should tip when ordering takeout.

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Abigail kicked off the 22-second video, explaining her process for ordering a to-go order. “I call in a to-go order. I go up to the ‘to-go’ window. I grab it. She hands me the receipt, and there’s a tip line,” she shared.  

She then posed her viewers with a question: “Do you tip? Is it wrong not to tip? Am I going over the top and paying more for my meals by tipping?”

She further explained her dilemma, saying, “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t ’cause, I don’t know what’s right?”


She asked viewers and followers for some insight on the matter, pleading, “Someone tell me.” 

The viral video has 17,000 views and hundreds of comments. It sparked debate among viewers on whether customers should tip when ordering takeout. Many shared they felt Abigail shouldn’t tip for take out, but their reasoning was varied. 


♬ original sound – Abigail

Some viewers felt unless they are waited on they should not have to tip. “I only tip if I sit down in a restaurant and get at least decent service,” one shared. Another added, “Do not tip unless it is sit-down service or delivery.”


One viewer shared their metric for tipping. “I’m sick of tipping for everything and am operating by no waiter = no tip now,” they said.

Others disagreed and felt tipping, although not necessary, is a nice gesture to service workers. “I do cause if everyone tipped take out a dollar or two it’d make a big difference for the people that work there and it’s no swear off my back,” one comment reads. Another viewer shared a similar sentiment, saying, “For better or worse I tip bc I want to help…” 

Some viewers shared they do tip, but it depends on the situation.

“I tip 10% for takeout, but not fast food,” one shared. Another explained, “It depends. If it’s a place where the servers are packing your to-go order then I’ll tip a little but not the same as table service. Like 10%ish.” Others shared that they tip a blanket amount on all take-out orders, “$2 unless it’s a big order then 20%,” a viewer shared. 


And the most popular comment on the video argued: “Deff not for chain restaurants, only for small businesses usually.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Abigail for comment via TikTok. 

The Daily Dot