Internet Culture

This Tyrion Lannister cosplayer looks exactly like Peter Dinklage

The resemblance is uncanny.

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

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Game of Thrones has upped the game for cosplayers looking to portray characters and recreate outfits from the show, but a new Facebook photo has raised the bar to the max.

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At first, you may wonder if you’re staring at the first promotional photo of Game of Thrones’ seventh season or a magazine shoot. It’s Tyrion Lannister, standing in a rocky terrain, and he has wine close at hand. It could totally be as if Tyrion was back in Westeros about to help Daenerys Targaryen take the Iron Throne from his sister Cersei.

Except it’s not. On Thursday, Lenin Tadeo Rodriguez posted the photo of Omar Diego Milla Machuca, who cosplays as Tyrion, on Facebook. Yes, it’s as glorious as it looks.


Tyrion himself can only hope to pull off a look like that next season.

H/T Kotaku

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